This post was sponsored by WaterWipes as part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
My kids are 4 and 8 now, but I so vividly remember the first year with them both. My son surprised us by breaking my water 12 days early and then surprised us again by being breech. Four years later, my daughter sent me into labor the night before her scheduled c-section and helped me narrowly avoid said c-section. Both babies started their lives with a bang and they haven’t slowed down since!

In my children’s first years, there were so many heartwarming moments, a few frustrating moments and some very memorable messy moments! One of my favorites was when my son slathered himself from head to toe with ranch dressing because he thought it was sunscreen. Or, there was the time I let my daughter fingerpaint on Thanksgiving and she covered her arms and face in red paint right as everyone arrived. It looked like a crime scene!

First birthdays have been amongst the most fun moments in our household. Both of our kids had a great time with their birthday cake that made for some really cute pictures. If only I had WaterWipes back then to clean them up afterwards! We use WaterWipes all the time now, they are a chemical free baby wipe that contains only two ingredients, 99.9% pure Irish water and 0.1% grapefruit seed extract.
In the video below, some of my fellow WaterWipes Moms share their own memories of baby’s first year. It’s such a special time for moms and babies alike to build the foundations of a lifelong bond. For me, that first year showed me the purest meaning of love and taught me to be truly selfless. If you’re also a mom, what do you remember most from your baby’s first year?