How To Create Twitter Lists in 4 Steps

twitter list

For those who follow a lot of people on Twitter, it can be tough to keep up with specific groups of people without the use of Twitter lists. I’m going to show you in just four steps how to set up Twitter lists to organize the people you follow and make it easier for you to find relevant content.

First, from your Twitter profile page, click on “lists” just to the right of your followers and following. You can also access lists from the main drop-down menu along the top.

twitter lists

Next, you will click on the “create new list” button in the right side column.

twitter lists

A box will pop up allowing you to customize your list with a name and description. You can also choose whether to make this list public or private. If the list is made public, other people can choose to follow the list as well. This is great if you’re part of a networking group as only one person needs to set up the list for the group!

twitter lists

Last, you will begin adding users to your list. You can use this box that pops up to search for people by name, or as stated below the box, you can add people from your following page or from anyone’s profile page as well!

twitter lists

Nice and simple! Stay tuned for another tutorial on creating a similar type of list in Facebook!


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