Disclaimer – I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Softcard. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
I don’t know about you, but I have probably hundreds of loyalty, membership and rewards cards. For awhile I tried to carry the ones I use the most around with me, but there just isn’t enough room in my purse anymore! Some are registered under my e-mail, some under my home phone, some under my cell phone, it often takes a few tries at the cash register to figure it all out. Or, sometimes I can’t even remember if I already have a loyalty card at a specific store or not! Enter Softcard, a great free app where you can store info on all of your loyalty, membership and reward cards and access them quickly when you need them! You can even check your balance for select loyalty programs.This isn’t even the best feature of Softcard, you can pay with the app too! You can store your credit card directly in the pin-protected app, or you can set up a prepaid account to add money to as you need it. Softcard is also full of exclusive special offers from all of your favorite retailers, and you can easily see what offers are available near wherever you are.

With holiday shopping in full swing, it’s great to just use my phone to pay for things, it’s pretty much always in my hand anyway! No fumbling through my huge purse for my wallet and no time wasted trying to remember what phone number or e-mail address my loyalty cards are registered under. Traveling this holiday season? Leave your frequent flier and hotel loyalty cards at home and access them all with Softcard at check-in!

Softcard can be downloaded on Android and Windows devices with AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless service providers. With Softcard, you can store all of your credit cards to pay for purchases and receive all the benefits and protections you would with your physical card. You can also opt to set up a prepaid account and add money to it with your preferred debit card, credit card, or U.S. bank account. Rest assured, Softcard uses state-of-the-art technology and layers of security to protect your information! You can use Softcard in any of more than 275,000 participating stores where contactless payments are accepted. Click here to find participating retail locations in your area!
Softcard also has a fun new mascot named Tappy! Get to know a bit more about Tappy on YouTube:
#IC #Softcard