Today marks the one month anniversary of when I joined the new Tsu social media site. I joined on a whim after seeing my brother’s fiance post a link on Facebook, not really having any clue what it even was. I guess when it comes to social media, I’m of the early adopter variety. I have to check it all out, see what the fuss is all about, determine if there’s potential for it to be the “next big thing”. I did the same with Ello around the same time last month, and well, I haven’t logged back in since I joined. on the other hand has pretty much become an obsession, I can’t get enough of it. I’m not sure whether it’s the insane amount of interaction going on, the easily accessible analytics that appease the geek in me, or the fact that I am actually making money to do what I’ve been doing since the MySpace era, that is, merely post on social media.

How is the Tsu Social Network Different?
I’m a social media addict, as in I’m borderline needing a support group. It got so bad, I decided to turn it into my job so I could do it even more! I freelance as a Social Media Manager for a few companies and also write for this very blog several times a week. In my experience, Facebook hasn’t been super helpful in getting the word out about much of anything lately. My posts often go unnoticed, my clients are forced to pay for ads if they want anything seen, my super awesome blog posts get shared maybe a handful of times. It’s all been a letdown in recent years. All of a sudden, I join the Tsu social media site and my first blog post I shared on there, Is Tsu a Social Media Game Changer?, gets shared 50+ times. By perfect strangers. I can’t even convince my family and lifelong friends to share my stuff on Facebook, well, that is if they ever even see it with the crazy mysterious Facebook algorithms. On Tsu, people are craving interaction. They want to help you, because they also want you to help them. Money has a way of motivating people, doesn’t it?

Can I Really Make Money on Tsu?
Granted, nobody has become a millionaire on Tsu quite yet. But I wouldn’t be surprised if in the very near future, we start hearing of some really great success stories coming from the Tsu social network. Celebs are joining in droves, I’ve seen everyone from LL Cool J to Guns N Roses and The Atlanta Hawks basketball team join recently. These celebs have the potential to profit in a major way from their brand, finally! What other social media site has paid celebrities for the massive followings they have brought to those sites?? Bueller….Bueller? Yup, none of them have. So you aren’t a celebrity, that’s okay, I’m not either (shocker, right?!) I’m still making some great progress on Tsu, having gone from earning roughly 7 cents a day in my first week to now earning about $1 per day a month later. I’m just over $10 in total earnings. Will that growth rate continue? I don’t know, but if it does I may be paying my car payment next month with Tsu earnings. If it doesn’t, who cares, I’m making money to post the same stuff I was posting before for free! Why should the social media companies make all the money? It’s our content, we are the driving force behind their success, it’s about time someone does this the right way and rewards the content creators, us. Intrigued? Come join the #tsunami at!
Go tsu! I just blogged about how awesome they are… Definitely giveaway worthy if you read my post 🙂