I recently joined Stitch Fix after receiving a Klout Perk that waived the styling fee for my first box (normally $20). It sounded like a really fun idea, getting a box of 5 mysterious fashion items picked especially for me based on an extensive survey of my style and sizes. You get to choose which items to keep from the box and send the rest back in a pre-paid postage package. The $20 Stitch Fix styling fee even gets credited towards anything you decide to keep, and you get a bonus 25% off if you decide to keep all five items in your “fix”. Items are priced at an average of $65, but some are much lower and some a bit higher. What did I have to lose by trying it for free the first time? Nothing! I had so much fun with my first Stitch Fix box (and bought 2 of the items) that I decided to sign up for regular monthly boxes, which can be cancelled at any time. I just received my second box and took photos of all of the items to give you an idea of what you could receive if you join. Keep in mind though, your items may vary greatly from mine depending on how you answer the style and size questions when you first sign up. I’m a mom who keeps it fairly casual for the most part, but this month I requested some dresses for an upcoming trip. Here’s what I received:

I loved the color of this Dylan and Rose dress above and was really excited to try it on after seeing the pictures of it online (I cheated and looked up the stuff I was getting before my box arrived! I was excited!) I wasn’t completely underwhelmed, but the dress was super duper thin and you could see every little thing through the fabric. It was also a bit long for my 5’4″ frame. Not perfect enough for me to keep, but fun to try on nonetheless!

This Lily Maggie Dot Print dress was a tough decision for me. It fit perfectly, was the right length, covered up my “problem” areas for the most part and just really felt good on. I just wasn’t sure about the print. I’m more of a solid color or subtle print girl, so it’s tough for me to commit to more colorful prints. Had the price been right, I may have caved, but at just over $100 I just wasn’t sure it was worth the chance I may not wear it much. If this dress is offered in other prints or in solids, I would love to try other options!

This blouse by Collective Concepts and jeans by Kenzie Jeans made for a fun outfit. I knew right away that I loved the jeans, and when my husband complimented my rear view in them, I knew they were a keeper at $88. I don’t really love this picture that I got of them, but hey, it’s tough taking full body selfies with a toddler running around in the room! The blouse was super cute, but just not right for my body. I’m rather “blessed” in the chest area, and it left the blouse draping my body all wrong and called for constant adjustments. I didn’t get a picture of the back of the blouse, but it has gorgeous lace detailing along the neckline, very cool!

Last but not least, I received these earrings by Trina. I think they’re adorable, but they just aren’t totally me. Perhaps a little big for my liking for earrings, and I honestly don’t change out my diamond studs all that often anyway. I let my Stitch Fix stylist know that I’d prefer to see more necklaces than earrings, and it’s nice that you can give feedback like that after every box! I know it’ll only get better as I go! My next box is scheduled to arrive on July 1st, and this time I also requested some clothes for my upcoming Bahamas Cruise. I can’t wait to see what I receive!
To sign up for your own Stitch Fix boxes, visit Stitch Fix and fill out your personal style survey. You can choose to just order them as wanted, or you can sign up for regular monthly boxes. Either way, there is no obligation and you can cancel at any time which I love! I’d love to hear from others who have tried Stitch Fix, and also let me know if I’ve convinced you to give it a whirl!
Love the Kenzie jeans, and I think you totally rock the Lily Maggie Dot Print dress! I’d keep it! 😉 – Heather, Life of a Traveling Navy Wife
Thanks Heather!! 🙂